Recent Donations


Nessa Thornill

October 22, 2021

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Help to raise valuable donations for Kids

$0 of $18,000 raised

Food Insecurity! What does food insecurity mean? And how can it affect a person’s life.
Food insecurity is when persons are unable to provide enough food to eat for themselves and
their families; and that’s usually because they don’t have enough money to buy food.
Food can be very expensive and many people may have to make tough decisions between eating
and keeping a roof over their heads. Going hungry can affect so many areas of a person’s life.
Hungry parents can become depressed, sad, and irritable and feel like they are letting their
children down.
Hungry children can also become sad, tired and irritable. Hunger can also affect children’s
education. If children got to school hungry they are unable to concentrate in class and this may
cause their grades to drop and cause them to fail their classes.
Having enough food to eat at home can make so much difference in a person’s life. If you don’t
have to worry about going hungry you can focus on doing other amazing things, like excelling in
school, paying important bills and even going on fun outings.
Food is the most important basic need and no one should have to go without it. The face of
hunger looks like you and me. You cannot tell if someone is going hungry from how the look on
the outside. There are also individual men and women going hungry and not just families.
Let’s support our fellow human beings by providing them their basic need with respect and
Make a difference in someone’s life and donate today!

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Donation Total: $100